In previous posts I discussed the online newspapers referring only to national newspapers. The phenomenon has involved of course the newspapers of each city. As for my hometown, Parma, there are several sites that inform about what is happening in the Duchy ...
Firstly we have the website of Gazzetta di Parma: http://www.gazzettadiparma.it/ the newspaper of the city and the province that boasts the title of one of the oldest newspapers in Italy (the first number known dates 1735). The site structure is very simple, less messy and easy to use. Above is the name of the head flanked by two other links to the city's major media, television and radio, respectively, radio and tv parma parma. Below is the news ticker that scrolls the national character. Then the classical division in three columns: left to the news, in that the middle categories than the ranking of most-read stories, information on traffic and the initiatives of the Journal. The right column is devoted mainly to advertising and interactive services for the user: the possibility, by subscription, browse the magazine online in pdf format, letters to the editor, the forum and polls. In the multimedia section you can see the photo galleries, and the videogallery audiogallery. It 's interesting to note that the news older are developed in a full-bodied, while news of the day are essential and concise and written at the bottom we find the Other information in the Gazzetta di Parma on newsstands today, which, according me, it's a bit 'at odds with the concept of an online newspaper that loses its function when it is necessarily incomplete and refers to reading the paper. The Republic
Parma.it ( http://parma.repubblica.it/?edizione=EdRegionale ) is the local edition of La Repubblica newspaper, whose website is richer and scrolling much longer. The structure is similar, but the interactivity is more: You can send photos, news, videos and launch proposals for debate. In the multimedia section there are many photo galleries and video of any event, most often sent by the readers themselves. Here it is interesting to note that the section devoted to the districts is managed through a blog ( http://centro-parma.blogautore.repubblica.it/ ): Parma each district has its own space in which we publish the news, very often supported by the comments or additions to the residents themselves.
Polis is another daily newspaper in the city of Parma and its province that site ( http://www.polisquotidiano.it /) allows you to browse the paper version for free. The remainder of the site is rather bare and provides basic services: the column of news updated in real time, with the ability to choose the source (Courier, Daily Republic, Sport, Sun 24 hour format), weather forecasts and a range of services such as video archive, radio, photo galleries, some of which however are only accessible after registration. Information
also of Parma has chosen to publish on the website ( http://www.informazionediparma.com/defaultparma.asp ) the paper version of the newspaper. In this case the site is reduced really the bone: in addition to leaf through the pages of the newspaper is free to consult the archive of previous editions and to send an email to the editor.
Lungoparma is instead the first online only newspaper in the city: http://www.lungoparma.com/ In this case we have a left side that borders on the middle which shows the news and the right column in which they find space is the vignette, the categories, the survey's most-read stories, popular tags, and records. Then the opportunity to receive the newsletter and to sign up. Through the section Work with us you can send messages of any kind or news, films and photographs and proposals riteranno more "suited to our editorial line will be turned into articles and surveys."
These essentially the media in my hometown.
Firstly we have the website of Gazzetta di Parma: http://www.gazzettadiparma.it/ the newspaper of the city and the province that boasts the title of one of the oldest newspapers in Italy (the first number known dates 1735). The site structure is very simple, less messy and easy to use. Above is the name of the head flanked by two other links to the city's major media, television and radio, respectively, radio and tv parma parma. Below is the news ticker that scrolls the national character. Then the classical division in three columns: left to the news, in that the middle categories than the ranking of most-read stories, information on traffic and the initiatives of the Journal. The right column is devoted mainly to advertising and interactive services for the user: the possibility, by subscription, browse the magazine online in pdf format, letters to the editor, the forum and polls. In the multimedia section you can see the photo galleries, and the videogallery audiogallery. It 's interesting to note that the news older are developed in a full-bodied, while news of the day are essential and concise and written at the bottom we find the Other information in the Gazzetta di Parma on newsstands today, which, according me, it's a bit 'at odds with the concept of an online newspaper that loses its function when it is necessarily incomplete and refers to reading the paper. The Republic
Parma.it ( http://parma.repubblica.it/?edizione=EdRegionale ) is the local edition of La Repubblica newspaper, whose website is richer and scrolling much longer. The structure is similar, but the interactivity is more: You can send photos, news, videos and launch proposals for debate. In the multimedia section there are many photo galleries and video of any event, most often sent by the readers themselves. Here it is interesting to note that the section devoted to the districts is managed through a blog ( http://centro-parma.blogautore.repubblica.it/ ): Parma each district has its own space in which we publish the news, very often supported by the comments or additions to the residents themselves.
Polis is another daily newspaper in the city of Parma and its province that site ( http://www.polisquotidiano.it /) allows you to browse the paper version for free. The remainder of the site is rather bare and provides basic services: the column of news updated in real time, with the ability to choose the source (Courier, Daily Republic, Sport, Sun 24 hour format), weather forecasts and a range of services such as video archive, radio, photo galleries, some of which however are only accessible after registration. Information
also of Parma has chosen to publish on the website ( http://www.informazionediparma.com/defaultparma.asp ) the paper version of the newspaper. In this case the site is reduced really the bone: in addition to leaf through the pages of the newspaper is free to consult the archive of previous editions and to send an email to the editor.
Lungoparma is instead the first online only newspaper in the city: http://www.lungoparma.com/ In this case we have a left side that borders on the middle which shows the news and the right column in which they find space is the vignette, the categories, the survey's most-read stories, popular tags, and records. Then the opportunity to receive the newsletter and to sign up. Through the section Work with us you can send messages of any kind or news, films and photographs and proposals riteranno more "suited to our editorial line will be turned into articles and surveys."
These essentially the media in my hometown.
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