Thursday, February 24, 2011

Indoor Basketball In New Jerseey

93 packets of sugar per day! Here's the spot of the city of New York to reduce the consumption of beverages

source: Food fact

The city of New York , presented a new communication campaign for the prevention of ' Obesity and Diabetes , with a series of commercials, which have as their subject the excessive use of sugar. The message focuses on soft drinks like Cola . It 's the first time that a city, a municipality decides to intervene with a raw language, what to say? Desperate times call for desperate measures. Compared to the usual educational communications and pleasant these spots are a welcome change.

The spot I like because it shows how easy it is to take in your daily routine calories without noticing, in this case with a pair of big glass of sugary drinks, two glasses of tea and a milk shake is can swallow 93 bags of sugar , that at the end of the day become almost 1400 calories "empty" or nearly 3 / 4 of daily calories an adult.
Al Beyond the choice of foods rich in sugar and fat during meals, intake of soft drinks and meals can become ithout notice an important element of diet.
Another innovative aspect ; commercials is multimedia communication using different media: TV commercials , spot on the subway, print, radio, and a good percentage the web, a page on youtube, facebook To better share content in a network without restriction. In
first spot, a boy opens and consumes 16 packets of sugar and is viewed poorly by two neighbors chair that actually consume the same "dose" of sugar in a drink but, as you can err!. In
second spot instead of how you see during the day can take 93 bags of sugar.
sugars on the label are not always so visible, manufacturers often use similar ingredients with a different name but perform the same function and have the same calories. Here are some ingredients that replace sugar: s ciroppo glucose, dextrose , sorbitol, mannitol, starch , raw sugar, molasses, malt syrup, invert sugar , honey, fructose, liquid sugar particular attention must be paid to fructose glucose syrup and use of sweeteners in particular sweeteners synthetic .


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