Sunday, May 10, 2009

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Newspapers online: Il Sole 24 ore and other ...

The 24 hours is one of the few newspapers in Italy (both print and online) to make dedicated services. His site has a different construction because it is anomalous compared to the newspaper, among other things, is the only one with a ticker that gives physically the idea of \u200b\u200bthe upgrade. It has a very Anglo-Saxon approach.
Top right on the home page find the link to Italianews: is a consortium of newspapers led by the Sun 24 hours (between others, Il Giorno, La Nazione, Il Resto del Carlino), owing also to the care of advertising, in which there is a "subsite" of news that is federal in the sense of created, activated and updated by several local newspapers of a certain weight. The peculiarity lies in the manner in which the subsite is created, ie a computer which selects the news sites of newspapers that are read and how to share the news that matters, which are then classified and published in Italianews. The construction site is, therefore, statistics, according to the relevance and impact that are part of the mechanisms by which they index the text.

The setting of the site of Corriere della evening does not differ much from that of the Republic: the column on the left is always more important than reporting the news. In the middle column in the order we FLASHnews 24 to slide, a link to the list of most read news and then zapping news: curious and interesting news from many different areas (culture, sport, entertainment, etc). In the right column we start with two services offered by the newspaper in the e-mail DiCola, which allows you to browse and download, for a fee, the daily newspaper and 20 days earlier in text or pdf. The other service is the historical archive, for easy access to free products since 1992. Below are the courier TV, which offers video and photo, in a logical "top" and "most viewed". Following a series of services, mixed advertising, including games, yellow pages, courier travel, dictionaries, library, etc.. At the bottom of the home page we have a list of blogs & forums

Day, The Nation , Il Resto del Carlino, Il Secolo XIX , Time , and L'Unione Sarda The Daily of Calabria Italianews are part of the Sun 24 hours. The sites of the first four are the same, just change the first news came, according to the head. The others have kept their own style, more or less similar except for some peculiarities. For example, the time has two windows and flash respectively Adnkronos Datasport.

What remains to be seen? We Il Giornale, Il Manifesto, Il Mattino, Il Messaggero, La Stampa and L'Unità (of course there are many more, but I cite only those that come to mind). The setting of the site in three columns is common to all newspapers, then managed in different ways. Some are included only from the middle of the home page, as in the morning and nelll'Unità. All sites are very "loaded" and the space is saturated, but the Morning, Unity and the Manifesto that leave a bit 'more breathing space with some distance White more than the other homepage. It 'surely the priorities of different stories: for example, almost all open this morning with the news on the issue of immigrants and the declaration of Berlusconi about it, while the Morning offers a news and a newspaper of national policy.


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