Dioxin, Coldiretti: "Now label of origin on all products"
Emergency dioxin broke out in Germany on chickens, cows and pigs has shown alarm all of Europe. In reference to the discovery of contaminated eggs and feed in Germany, Coldiretti underlines the need to adopt as soon as possible in Italy The bill makes it mandatory to indicate the origin on the label on all foods.
Coldiretti - January 10, 2011
In Germany, the dioxin scare is fired after the discovery of dioxin in eggs and feed for poultry and pigs
As was the case for the eggs should be extended the obligation to indicate the origin on the label on all products with the rapid approval of the bill to be debated in the House for final approval after the consent collected from all the parliamentary groups in the Senate.
is stated Coldiretti in reference to 'emergency dioxin broke out in Germany on chickens, cows and pigs in emphasizing that currently in Italy the obligation to indicate the origin is in place for beef (mad cow disease after the emergency), chicken (after Emergency bird flu), fresh fruit and vegetables, eggs, honey, fresh milk, tomato sauce, olive oil, but much remains to be done and the tag is anonymous for about half of the expenditure from pasta to fruit juice, milk long-keeping cheese, meat pork sausages.
To buy these products directly from farmers and buy a wide range of cheeses and meats Made in Italy with a designation of origin (PDO) that ensure the national origin of the raw material is used - suggests Coldiretti - an important guarantee for citizens .
Italy is in fact - according to Coldiretti - a strong imported from Germany which is the main supplier of dairy products in Italy with almost 41 million tons per year equivalent (milk, dairy and cheese), but also exporting to the peninsula, large amounts of pork (220 million pounds of meat and 3.7 million pounds of live pigs to be slaughtered in Italy in the first nine months of 2010) and marginally eggs (2.7 million pounds of eggs (in shell, fresh, preserved or cooked in the same period).
should extend the requirement to indicate the origin on the label to all products
L ' important and timely action taken by the Ministry of Health in Italy thanks to the presence of the control system more widely in Europe must be accompanied - Coldiretti - from structural as the obligation to indicate the origin on the label that it helps increase effectiveness as a guarantee of Italian producers and consumers.
Action must be taken not to run after the emergency in a country such as Italy, which is strong and where importer - Coldiretti - two slices of Italian prosciutto sold as three are from pigs reared outside, three cartons of UHT milk in four are foreigners with no indication on the label, as well third of the dough is made from corn that was grown in Italy without the knowledge of consumers, and half the mozzarella are made with milk curds or even abroad, but those who buy - Coldiretti complaint - can not know it is not always required on the label.
With the approval of the provision on mandatory labeling by the parliament, Italy - Coldiretti concludes - has the opportunity to play a leadership action in Europe in the protection of quality and safety of consumers.
foods labeled with the source on Italian tables
Foods with the provenance
chicken meat and beef derivatives
Fruits and vegetables
Tomato sauce
Fresh Milk
virgin olive
... And those without
Pasta Pork and sausage meat rabbit
processed fruit and vegetables
Tomato other past
Cereal (bread, pasta)
mutton and lamb
long-life milk
Source: The change www.ilcambiamento.it
Eggs German dioxin here is a list of the suspected parties. No problem for the Italian eggs
These 7 codes that refer to lots and lots from different locations in Germany. As the table eggs are easily identifiable because they suspect the identification code (printed on the package and on the shell) starts with the number 2 (referring to the type of farming), followed by the letters DE indicating the country of origin or in Germany.
As shown in the fourth column, there are some batches of eggs, which will expire January 20, 2011 and thus could still be for sale.
Eggs marketed in Italy is almost all (over 99% produced in our country) and this should reassure all consumers. In each case the eggs do not consume Germany are only those that show the codes listed in the table and not the other.
Photo: Photos.com
Sunday, January 9, 2011 Source: The Food fact www.ilfattoalimentare.it
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