Rome, January 19 ( Labitalia ) - Too many blocks computer system that would convey the requests for permission to work of immigrant workers, as provided Order flows from 2010. For this we need to extend the deadlines for the 'Click Day'. The complaint by the party patronage Inca CGIL, in a statement that underlines the difficulties in which they are working professionals. "Three days from the electronic procedure - says Morena Piccinini, President Inca CGIL - the offices are located in the patronage of the inability to support those employers who, despite a difficult moment in terms of employment, applying for recruitment of foreign labor. " "An unacceptable situation Piccinini-added-that is creating serious inconvenience to users, the organization of work of offices and patronage of the same image."
Piccinini remarks even the non-involvement of patronage by the Ministry of the Interior "in a confrontation that would help regulate the initiation of forwarding electronic requests. "In the only meeting that was held Jan. 12 at 5 days after the initiation of the President of the Inca-remember-the Ministry of Interior was limited to show how the techniques of computer system, without allowing Unions to take action on the merits. " "We reiterate Piccinini-warns-that once again this government and claims that the rules for immigrants, then acts with no regard to the immigrants themselves and patrons, who are committed to facilitate and to help employers the forwarding of applications. For this reason, given the few days remaining before the first click day (January 31) and the persistence of inefficiency, is denounced as lacking the time needed to properly investigate applications for flow management. Therefore, concluded the President, it is vital that the ministry to take charge of this situation by suspending the entire process, additional time to click the day, until you will be able to ensure the resumption of operations with no blocking .
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