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Yesterday I went to hear the candidates in the primaries of Bologna have convinced me not to vote for ANYONE! A year revolt Yesterday I went to the meeting with the three candidates in the primaries of the "decentralized left 'Democratic Party in San Donato. After two hours to listen a lot promises, and after will not be able to continue due to lack of courage and public funds, " convinced me not to go out and vote" . I decided not going to vote because none of the three candidates have figured out what it means to be an immigrant , what it means to the world of immigration. I heard a recitation of platitudes about the richness of diversity, value added we mean that we immigrants within society Bologna. Their words were not from the heart but from the more mundane and low advertising. I do not vote because they are tired of being useful only for the primaries of a party that has lost Trabzon to know that a leftist party must defend the weak, the Fiat workers, immigrants, the Italians who do not arrive later this month, the new Italians who are in jeopardy. For all this I do not vote, do you?
Bologna, January 15 - (Adnkronos) - The Democratic Party di Bologna appeals to immigrants so that 'go to the January 23 vote in the primaries of the Centre organized fururo to choose the candidate for mayor of Bologna. The Regional Forum on Immigration of the Democratic Party has, in fact, discussed with the associations and administrators the status of immigrants and "the importance of consolidating and ampilare immigration policies in the region." The appeal, and 'was now being shown Rivani during the seminar' Citizenship and integration within the rules' which was attended by the Immigration Officer of the Democratic Party Emilia Romagna Cecile Kienge Kashetu, Paola Marani, head of the provincial party and Welfare Sanja Basic , coordinator of the Immigration forum of the Democratic Party di Bologna. Foreigners explain the democratic leaders "do not say no to exercise their right to vote in the primary center Bologna "
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