Majnat Abdul has released a ' interview last week, to ' Observatory Caucasus in which he speaks of the case Politkovskaya, the plight of the North Caucasus and how effectively the Western civil society can help.

"From the outset it was clear that the trial for the murder of Anna Politkovskaya" concluded with the full acquittal of the accused, was conceived "as a sham to show the world, and in the first place West, Western politicians and journalists, the Russian authorities would do everything to find the instigator and perpetrator of the murder. "
About defendants acquitted, Majnat states that "it was good that they have condemned, which have not become scapegoats just because you could say to the West" Here we have the guilty. " I am absolutely sure that under the current power of the Russian Federation will never know the names of the principal and performer, will never be called to the bar to respond. At the moment it is not appropriate, it is advantageous for the Russian authorities, to know who is the instigator of the murder, and we will be in power until the current regime, the truth about the murder of Anna Politkovskaya will be kept secret. In twenty, maybe thirty years, we know who ordered it, why and who was a gift to Putin's birthday. But not now
...". When asked about the current situation in Chechnya, Majnat describes "a dictatorship of a banana republic, a dictatorship based on fear and violence, where everything depends on a tyrant. There is no press freedom, there can be no freedom of expression and opinion, any word spoken carelessly can lead to torture, arrest.
And the contribution to make in terms of civil society (as the one at the political level was disappointing)? According Majnat, Western civil society can help in many ways "from the simple interest and desire to learn that goes beyond what is happening under your nose. Not being indifferent is the first step. Even from a practical point of view you can do a lot. Invite young people, students, give them the opportunity to study in Europe, to see how people live, study and work in a democratic society. (...) It 'important that our young people, who live today in an atmosphere of dictatorship, have the opportunity to come here and look closely at the experience of democracy and the life of a democratic society, then return to Chechnya with this baggage. Anyone who has seen even once as we live and work in a democratic country is struck, such as a virus for which he became a healthy carrier, to always keep within them the respect for democratic values, human rights. Then these people with such experience, back in Russia, Chechnya, the Caucasus ... so we expect our students to come here, give them a chance. "
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