Monday, January 3, 2011

Restaurant With Tall Hats


Published in the Official Journal on 31 December, the flow decree. Part So the countdown to three clicks day, date in which it 's possible to send internet requests to households and businesses to let in Italy, foreign workers, foreign nationals who are already 'here will be able to request permission to work in the conversion of permits issued for other reasons. The first day and click 'set at Monday' January 31, when, from 8 am, it 's possible to send applications to employees in each sector are nationals of countries that have agreements with Italy and then have 52,080 entries reserved. . (AGI )

Immigrants, published in the Official Gazette on flows decree here the day click

Rome, January 2, 2011 - has been published in the Official Journal on 31 December, the flow decree. So the countdown party down to three clicks day, date in which you can send Internet requests to households and businesses to let in foreign workers in Italy, foreign nationals who are already here will be able to request permission to work in the conversion of permits issued for other reasons.
The first click day shall be Monday, Jan. 31, when, from 8, you can send questions to employees in each sector are nationals of countries that have agreements with Italy and then enjoy 52,080 inputs reserved.
That is, Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, Philippines; Ghana, Morocco, Moldova, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, India, Peru, Ukraine, Niger and Gambia. Wednesday, February 2 from 8, then, can start applications for domestic workers such as housekeepers, babysitters, caregivers, etc.., Nationals of other countries that have agreements with Italy. The inputs authorized in this case are 30 thousand.
From 8 dell'indomani finally can start applications for other entries authorized by decree flows, and that workers who have completed special training and education in the country of origin, and 500 descendants of Italians in Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela and Brazil. Away with the applications for conversion of permits to citizens of countries that have agreements with Italy. The ACLI provide their information desks in the area.


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