oils that need to be deodorized are of low quality. It is unacceptable that so far a chemical banned in extra-virgin oils is essentially permission to allow those who do not produce quality to come to market with an adulterated product that the consumer will not be able to recognize the label, "says Carlo Petrini, president of Slow Food.
fake oil becomes legal
Brussels clears the "deodorized"
The new EU regulation in force since 1 April nell'extravergine oil increases the maximum concentrations of alkyl esters, compounds that form in low-quality products, and indirectly authorizing the marketing of condiments "deodorized" of MONICA RUBY The Republic - February 24, 2011
For years the CIA Puglia complaint adulteration and counterfeiting of extra virgin olive oil. The regional president of the Italian Farmers Confederation (CIA) Puglia, Antonio Barile , recalled in a statement that already denounced as a beginning of the year in Italy on 9 bottles claiming to contain extra virgin olive oil containing it really only 7 and 2 do not tell the truth, they contain no oil. Of the 7 bottles, then, only four are of Italian extra virgin olive oil and 3 foreign countries. Everything is sold to Italian. The damage to the economy of Puglia is huge.
olive oil, the analysis of Ascoli Piceno dell'Arpam
insecticide banned yet present in 'olive oil. The other alarming aspect of the study dall'Arpam of Ascoli Piceno and published by the buoy (see article) is the presence of pesticides not allowed in the treatment of olives, found in 35% of the samples purchased in supermarkets. Percentage oils taken Marches in mills drops to 15%. Beyond the number of samples involved, these substances more than a shadow cast on the genuineness of virgin for sale. Among the substances detected are not allowed to fenitrothion, endosulfan (alpha, beta and sulfate) and Dicofol. Says Daniela Sciarra, member of the Office of Scientific and curator of the Legambiente annual dossier on pesticides: "We are talking of insecticides belonging to the category of organophosphates. They are persistent and bio-accumulative action with neurotoxic to humans. Dicofol, then, is a derivative of DDT. It is considered moderately toxic, acts on the nervous system, liver and kidneys. Having revealed the presence of Dicofol is still worrying in itself considering the fact that DDT is banned from the seventies. " already denounced as a beginning of the year in Italy on 9 bottles claiming to contain extra virgin olive oil containing it really only 7 and 2 do not tell the truth, they contain no oil. Of the 7 bottles, then, only four are of Italian extra virgin olive oil and 3 foreign countries. Everything is sold to Italian. The damage to the economy of Puglia is huge.