We quote in full and link the praiseworthy initiative of Alberto Olivucci, founder and president of Farming . We invite everyone to visit the website and sign the petition.
ancient seeds not listed in the records of the EC, who continue to live illegally as undocumented aliens in a land that is theirs. The law prohibits them from all forms of movement, even the gift in the territories of member states. If you moved from one state to another as seed the Plant Protection Service I could ask the destruction in incinerators. Not only are prohibited but are constantly threatened by biopiracy, and may be registered as "new strain" and thus allow profits and royalties to those who get there first to do so.
What is the purpose of this regulation segregationist, if not accelerate their final disappearance once and disappear and leave even the memory of the old varieties of vegetables, legumes, cereals and fruit to replace them with the global hybrid and GMO seeds for a project Agriculture genetically delegated to corporations? At one time the seed was a legacy and passed from generation to generation, what we leave to our children to be sown, only GMOs and hybrids you can not sow?
To repair the nightmare future that lies ahead, Farming asks all its members and to all users and visitors of his site from read the introductory text of the new online petition and to sign online directly on the site, or to sign the form we have prepared. Thus began a campaign of constant pressure to pass a series of proposals credible defense of the Italian variety.
If the seeds could pick up a pen or press the keys have already done ... You do it for them.
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