One thing you should never miss is the garden radish.
After trying all the typical varieties that we have seen in common foods, we wanted to try to sow a variety of original Japanese radish, daikon "Minowase. In fact
curiosity was also based on reading some books and interviews of Fukuoka, where the properties and uses of daikon were often invoked (see for example here , here and here ).
This morning we could not resist and we pulled up the first unit ...
As stated in the manual seed Kokopelli:
curiosity was also based on reading some books and interviews of Fukuoka, where the properties and uses of daikon were often invoked (see for example here , here and here ).
This morning we could not resist and we pulled up the first unit ...

As stated in the manual seed Kokopelli:
Daikon Cette variété de produit de longues racines here peuvent atteindre 50-60 cm de longueur. La chair est croquante, juteuse, peu forte et très blanche. La croissance est très rapids. Cette variété est très vigoureuse et de la très tolerant Secheresse. Il est en Semer de la préférable never pour une récolte d'été. Croissance: 55 jours.
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