Sunday, October 22, 2006

Fake Boob Vs. Real Boobs

The macerated nettle

quoted in full, and I put in the title the link to the blog of Farming in which it was published, an article published on Marinella Correggia Manifesto of September 14 about the famous macerated nettle.

I had heard more times, most recently during a discussion with a member of Farming Fair of Guastalla.

Here is the text:
Used for centuries in crop protection, the macerate was the sole ingredient of nettle water over the leaves of this wild plant called weed very unfairly. Stinging nettle is in fact a very democratic food rich in minerals, and at the same time strengthens and nourishes the soil, in Africa the "Network for agroecology" says the farmers that care for these purposes. She also uses herbal cosmetics and if they can get paper and tissues and, in fact, natural pesticides. So much so that the movement of men and boys home offers the "orticherie 'economy as a project of another: in places rich in raw material, create workshops for obtain food, textiles, paper and drugs; in urban areas not only for sale but for self-production courses, seminars etc. to care. And maybe promote the nettle powder in the fight against child malnutrition, as it is conducive to the production of milk.

Potential negligible. But in France it's worse. Since 2002, following action by the Department of Prevention of Fraud of Maine-et-Loire, the sale of recovered paper has become an outlaw. The reason? Certainly not an alleged damage, given that this ancient remedy has never recorded, but because the product is not approved. As explained at the site the farmer and writer Bernard Bertrand, spokeswoman for Friends of the Ortie dedicated to the recovery of traditional knowledge in agriculture, the approval is a lengthy and costly bureaucratic procedure, which requires years of experiments and tens of thousands of euro. Which is more than fair for the myriad of synthetic chemicals that affect the planet and agriculture, but for those not enough, since their toxic effects are revealed even after decades. For natural products, used for some time and have never endangered the public health, the approval is nonsense, says Bertrand, besides being difficult to obtain, since the Commission is made up of producers of plant protection synthesis. Bertrand and others asked a kind of exemption to the law, a special certificate for natural products and known, but nothing.

recently the situation has worsened, becoming even surreal. On July 1, came into force a decree that prevents even to disclose recipes for the preparation of natural products if not approved. Is prohibited to transmit a knowledge that belongs to the collective memory and may even be lost at this rate. The mere fact of communicating in public, for example, during a course, or in a text - as the book of Purin Ortie written by Bertrand et compagnie - or even an article, the age-old recipe of marinated, or even the effectiveness of herbicide hot water, in theory involves a heavy fine and two years in prison. Maybe you do not come to that, but the disincentive there. Eric Petiot at the end of August, another author of the book, landscape gardener and organizer of workshops on organic farming, was visited by two inspectors, a national service to combat fraud and one of the regional service the protection of plants, which stated that the remedies have not been approved is also prohibited information, and should no longer bring the trainees to collect wild herbs. It remains the right to prepare the macerate and other natural plant for its direct use, but woe to go and say that it works, even if it was in a meeting country. Clearly, for the Friends of the French multinational that pesticides exert pressure on Ministries of Agriculture and Interior.

to disobey the dictates French, here is the recipe for the famous marinated, useful to anyone with a few plants to be protected. In a bowl, put to macerate in 10 liters of rain water, preferably 1.5 kg of nettle leaves (the young sprouts, not fitted to suit) shredded, or smaller quantities, proportionately. After 15 days filter. Depending on the desired use: dilute 2 macerated with 10 liters of water and spray it on the floor against the cryptogams, but also as an activator of growth having regard to the wealth of minerals, or dilute one liter of macerated with 10 of water and sprayed on the leaves of plants as an insecticide especially head lice, without dilution is a good compost activator. Store in airtight container away from light and at 18-20 degrees, it is effective for weeks.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

How To Check Your Prepaid Balance On Usaa

Testing Techniques / 4 - Radis Blanc d'Hiver "Minowase"

One thing you should never miss is the garden radish.

After trying all the typical varieties that we have seen in common foods, we wanted to try to sow a variety of original Japanese radish, daikon "Minowase. In fact

curiosity was also based on reading some books and interviews of Fukuoka, where the properties and uses of daikon were often invoked (see for example here , here and here ).

This morning we could not resist and we pulled up the first unit ...

As stated in the manual seed Kokopelli:

Daikon Cette variété de produit de longues racines here peuvent atteindre 50-60 cm de longueur. La chair est croquante, juteuse, peu forte et très blanche. La croissance est très rapids. Cette variété est très vigoureuse et de la très tolerant Secheresse. Il est en Semer de la préférable never pour une récolte d'été. Croissance: 55 jours.

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Chicken Wing Wholesaler

Kokopelli in 2006 GUASTALLA

As anticipated, this year at the invitation of Vitaliano Biondi, we participated in the exhibition "Plants and animail lost" held in Guastalla (RE).

We arrived early Saturday morning for our little banquet system:

this year made it even more beautiful by our poster, despite the lack of fresh products (the bulldozers have stolen all the cultivable area!):

So we got to re-meet old acquaintances and make new friends with people interested in the work of the Association Kokopelli:

short, Once again, a beautiful experience in a beautiful setting. The only discordant note: the usual bastian-averse that you are not amused at all!

Sunday, October 1, 2006

I Can Feel A Pea Sized Lump In My Throat?

Before and After

Before ...

... and then ...

Most Reliable Used Washer And Dryer

Save the seed farmers - Petition on BIODIVERSITA.INFO

We quote in full and link the praiseworthy initiative of Alberto Olivucci, founder and president of Farming . We invite everyone to visit the website and sign the petition.

ancient seeds not listed in the records of the EC, who continue to live illegally as undocumented aliens in a land that is theirs. The law prohibits them from all forms of movement, even the gift in the territories of member states. If you moved from one state to another as seed the Plant Protection Service I could ask the destruction in incinerators. Not only are prohibited but are constantly threatened by biopiracy, and may be registered as "new strain" and thus allow profits and royalties to those who get there first to do so.

What is the purpose of this regulation segregationist, if not accelerate their final disappearance once and disappear and leave even the memory of the old varieties of vegetables, legumes, cereals and fruit to replace them with the global hybrid and GMO seeds for a project Agriculture genetically delegated to corporations? At one time the seed was a legacy and passed from generation to generation, what we leave to our children to be sown, only GMOs and hybrids you can not sow?

To repair the nightmare future that lies ahead, Farming
asks all its members and to all users and visitors of his site from read the introductory text of the new online petition and to sign online directly on the site, or to sign the form we have prepared. Thus began a campaign of constant pressure to pass a series of proposals credible defense of the Italian variety.

If the seeds could pick up a pen or press the keys have already done ... You do it for them.

Mixing Benadryl And Lorazepam

Kokopelli to "Two days for the autumn"

exhibition activity continues through the kind invitation of Kokopelli 's of Piedmont Garden Academy .

Second edition of the "Two Days in the autumn", exhibition of special and unusual plants in a fabulous display of colors and flavors of autumn, organized by FAI - Fund for the Italian Environment .

Appointment then the park of the Castle of Masino - Caravino (TO) Saturday 21 and Sunday, October 22, 2006 9:30 am to 18.00 with our little stand with the books and the seed of the 'Association Kokopelli .