Friday, March 11, 2011

Leica Minilux Cartier Bresson

The government now calls for more immigrants" I need two million in ten years "

The document of Welfare: Italy will stand on foreign workers. The requirements: 100 thousand people per year in 2011-2015 and 260 thousand for 2020

of Vladimir Polch

ITALY needs of new immigrants? Of course, "In period 2011-2015 the average annual demand should be around 100 thousand, while in the period 2016-2020 is projected to be 260 thousand. "Translated: the next decade we will need to" import "one million and 800 thousand workers. To put it in black and white is not a trade union or trade association. but the Ministry of Labour, edited by Maurizio Sacconi. And so while the interior ministry is sounding the alarm against "the biblical exodus" ready to lash the coast of North Africa , the technicians from the Ministry of Welfare to work effectively "forecast workforce needs." In a detailed report of 23 February, the Directorate General of immigration reasons, in fact, the number of foreign workers needed to support the "Italian system". The estimate is conservative and is based on several variables.

"The demand for labor is linked to both demand and supply of work - the report says" The labor migration in Italy "- the supply side is expected between 2010 and 2020, population declines working age (unemployed more than employed) between 5.5% and 7.9%, from 24 million and 970mila of 2010 would drop to a value between 23 million and 593mila and 23 million around 2020. On the side of application, the employment growth in 10 years at a rate between 0.2% and 0.9%, reaching in 2020
to share 23 million in the first case and 257mila 902mila and 24 million in the second. "That said, what is the number of immigrants in Italy will need?" In the period 2011-2015 the average annual demand should be around 100 thousand, while in the period 2016-2020 should increased to about 260 thousand. "So in ten years our country will open up to just under two million foreign workers.

" These figures expose the demagoguery of those who continue to repeat that immigrants are a threat - comments Andrea Olivero , national president of ACLI - without them the country will implode and take them civilly is not only humanitarian act, but smart strategy for the future. So it is fair to ask that changes the policy streams, going as soon as possible to take note of those who are already working effectively in the country is still the numbers of new permits to the real needs. We are pleased that the Ministry of Labour in a realistic look at the data, because only in this way, you can finally start that government of the immigration issue has been lacking in recent years, dominated by the obtuse logic of mere containment, which also failed. No, the league will put the heart at rest, he can stop a stream that has such strong reasons both in countries of origin, but in ours, as we are told the data. So integration is the choice set more realistic and more civilized. "


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