Saturday, March 12, 2011

How To Get Baby's Plem Out

"League of the strongest ideologies will take votes at the factory"

Bernardini: "The posters remain on foreigners, those who attack them afraid. Bologna is a dream for us, among our constituents, there are many former Communist Party "

" We fear the left of this city because of our voters there are many former Communist Party and vote for us because the workers. That's why our campaign will be mainly in the factories. " This is the heart of the political challenge that the mayoral candidate of the center in pectore, Manes Bernardini, now regional director of the Northern League, is launching the center and his challenger Virginio Merola.
We have published a poster for the campaign and expose it to contain a message a bit 'strong against foreigners in the city. Yesterday, the party has discussed whether it was appropriate to review them. What have you decided?
"The posters - explains Bernardini - remain as is and do not want to suffer exploitation." In the manifesto
depicts an Asian, a Roma woman, a black man and an Arab in the above services a child and an elderly Italian. The Democratic Party is accusing you of inciting hatred. What is your response?
"only prove to be afraid, Merola barking at the moon and still does not understand."
then try to explain the meaning of the manifesto?
"We hold that today the majority of municipal services is obtained by immigrants because these services are provided only by income. It's not that we do a speech of race or nationality, let's just say if this thing is not corrected and the message that just come to Bologna to have the house, then We encourage mass migration. If someone comes along with his wife and five children who does not work in the ranking is very likely that steps in front of an old man alone. "
And what do you suggest?
"to include the duration of the residence as a criterion to provide the services, but this should apply to all Italian citizens and foreigners. It states that people living in Bologna for more than ten years should be rewarded with a score and so on: the increase of years of residence there is a progressive facility to access services. "
but because we fear to the left?
"Why now in our constituency there are many people left, a former Communist Party who vote for a political force that has no ideological barriers. Ours is a vote of the people we vote for the workers and this is why our campaign will be made in factories. Faced with a fading candidate of the center there will be many who will try to vote the League. " But
from 3% of the vote and certainly the PDL does not help you because it seems a circus Barnum and two months before the vote has not yet made a decision on the candidate. Despite all this it seems that she will be the mayoral candidate of the center. Is that so?
"We took the 3% and are entered in the municipal council, but we have tripled the regional votes in Bologna and we went to 9%. There is no doubt that we have to decide on the candidate as soon as possible, but we in the Northern League in the meantime because we are a peaceful start to the campaign as a party. Who knows who votes shall vote first and foremost a programmatic proposal. "
It's up to you in your opinion?
"Our dream is to have a candidate in Bologna, tifiamo for this solution. We want to have here in Umberto Bossi campaign and we hope to administer as Bologna Verona Tosi administration. "
will focus on what your program?
"On security, the fight against degradation and the emergence house on every home. We also want to change the road finally putting up a traffic plan seriously. "
On what do you propose for the specific security?
"While we want to make full use of the new powers that the laws confer upon the national mayors. So far you have not done for ideological reasons. We want to speak strongly against the illegal trade hurts the dealers who pay taxes, we want to improve living in certain areas of the city and to reform the body of policemen. "
Olivio Romanini
March 11, 2011
Corriere di Bologna

Friday, March 11, 2011

Tech Deck

"Solidarity Village will not be a bunker

by the Prefecture of Palermo, led by Giuseppe Caruso who is also Special Commissioner for Refugees emergency, do not provide dates on the first arrivals in the coming weeks which will house two thousand asylum seekers. "We're fitting kitchens and bed system, everyone can freely exit"

Lampedusa. "They are assembling the kitchen, placing the beds in the accommodation. Before starting the transfer of immigrants, the whole structure must be well prepared. " By the Prefect of Palermo, led by Giuseppe Caruso who is also Special Commissioner for Refugees emergency, do not provide dates on the first arrivals in the "Solidarity Village" to Mineo. What is certain is that the "Residence of Oranges" in the province of Catania in the coming weeks will host 2 000 asylum seekers, as stated in the "plane-Maroni" which has also assured full support to the Minister of Defence. Ignazio La Russa, yesterday, announced that it has made available to recruit additional staff to 200 military police in Sicily: "Fifty - said the leader of the Berlusconi government - will be used in Mineo, others can be used to Lampedusa. Commissioner Caruso confirmed: "I have already signed the measure by which assigned 100 military and 50 in Lampedusa Mineo. Another 50 soldiers I intend to use them for other services.

La Russa and the prefect Caruso, also making reference to "security protocol" proposed by the mayors of Calatino Roberto Maroni, hoping to answer critics who called it a "bomb Social Centre for asylum seekers to mine. The President of the Region, Raffaele Lombardo, returned yesterday to criticize the initiative: "With Lampedusa and immigration, this village has nothing to do - cried the leader autonomist - It is used as an opportunity to bring in Sicily will be some more problems. It's only a matter of safety. Here we want to concentrate people of different races, cultures, origins and religious faiths that are currently located in ten towns and which, if provided together, I hope to live together. "Yesterday, the superintendent of Catania Domenico Pinzello hath been visited in the town and Caltagirone said that the Village" will not be a bunker because they are entities applying for asylum, so they can leave the center. "

Meanwhile Lampedusa is a truce. It was not spotted any new migrant boat and crew of the rescue unfolded on the island were finally able to spend a whole night in bed. The weather conditions are worsening in net stopping the Tunisian boats at anchor. The newest arrival is in fact that on Tuesday night. The Guardia di Finanza in that case has literally saved from certain death 55 migrants adrift at sea. The boat was taking water from the bow to each wave and in those conditions would certainly not have achieved the Pelagie. The patrol boat took on board the desperate Noting now two special cases. Among them were a disabled person with reduced mobility and a mentally unstable that a few hours later he attempted a very effective assault with scissors to the emergency doctor who visited him. The Guardia di Finanza, following the sighting plane, had requested the intervention of a Tunisian fishing boat which was nearby but the boat has reversed course, leaving behind the potential survivors. The lull has allowed other transfers of migrants from Lampedusa.

Leica Minilux Cartier Bresson

The government now calls for more immigrants" I need two million in ten years "

The document of Welfare: Italy will stand on foreign workers. The requirements: 100 thousand people per year in 2011-2015 and 260 thousand for 2020

of Vladimir Polch

ITALY needs of new immigrants? Of course, "In period 2011-2015 the average annual demand should be around 100 thousand, while in the period 2016-2020 is projected to be 260 thousand. "Translated: the next decade we will need to" import "one million and 800 thousand workers. To put it in black and white is not a trade union or trade association. but the Ministry of Labour, edited by Maurizio Sacconi. And so while the interior ministry is sounding the alarm against "the biblical exodus" ready to lash the coast of North Africa , the technicians from the Ministry of Welfare to work effectively "forecast workforce needs." In a detailed report of 23 February, the Directorate General of immigration reasons, in fact, the number of foreign workers needed to support the "Italian system". The estimate is conservative and is based on several variables.

"The demand for labor is linked to both demand and supply of work - the report says" The labor migration in Italy "- the supply side is expected between 2010 and 2020, population declines working age (unemployed more than employed) between 5.5% and 7.9%, from 24 million and 970mila of 2010 would drop to a value between 23 million and 593mila and 23 million around 2020. On the side of application, the employment growth in 10 years at a rate between 0.2% and 0.9%, reaching in 2020
to share 23 million in the first case and 257mila 902mila and 24 million in the second. "That said, what is the number of immigrants in Italy will need?" In the period 2011-2015 the average annual demand should be around 100 thousand, while in the period 2016-2020 should increased to about 260 thousand. "So in ten years our country will open up to just under two million foreign workers.

" These figures expose the demagoguery of those who continue to repeat that immigrants are a threat - comments Andrea Olivero , national president of ACLI - without them the country will implode and take them civilly is not only humanitarian act, but smart strategy for the future. So it is fair to ask that changes the policy streams, going as soon as possible to take note of those who are already working effectively in the country is still the numbers of new permits to the real needs. We are pleased that the Ministry of Labour in a realistic look at the data, because only in this way, you can finally start that government of the immigration issue has been lacking in recent years, dominated by the obtuse logic of mere containment, which also failed. No, the league will put the heart at rest, he can stop a stream that has such strong reasons both in countries of origin, but in ours, as we are told the data. So integration is the choice set more realistic and more civilized. "

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Replacement Caps For Air Mattress

New case 'requirements' on a baby bonus Zoppola

Aid already settled, but common uses for self-defense
(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 9 MAR - A new legal dispute over residency requirements set by regional laws and 'was raised by the City of Zoppola (Pordenone).

The local administration and 'action against the baby bonus''''' to a Rumanian immigrant, acting in self-defense, but with a decision of December 22 has already 'paid the contribution to the immigrant, who lives and works in Zoppola . The baby bonus' in June 2010 the City of Latisana (Udine) had been obliged to set aside the effect of regional provision for an order of the Court of Udine. (ANSA).

How To Make Oil Plastilina

FAO: more power to women in the fight against hunger and poverty Double

March 8, 2011

donne agricoltura
Gender equality is crucial for agricultural development and food security
If women in rural areas had the same opportunities as men in terms of access to land, technology, financial services, education and markets, agricultural production could increase and, consequently, the number of people suffering from hunger could be reduced. The report
The State of Food and Agriculture ', compiled by FAO on the occasion of International Women's Day, confirms the importance of eliminating All Forms of Discrimination against Women to win the fight against hunger and poverty .
The report estimates that if the developing countries there was gender equality in agriculture production could increase by 20-30 percent. This would increase the total agricultural production in developing countries of 2.5 / 4 percent, a factor which, in turn, lead to a reduction in the number of people suffering from hunger in the world of 12-17 per cent, namely a reduction of 100-150 million people. In 2010, an estimated 925 million people worldwide were undernourished, of which 906 million live in developing countries.
Women constitute on average 43 per cent of the agricultural labor force in developing countries: from 20% in Latin America with nearly 50% in East and Southeast Asia and Africa sub -Saharan Africa. The proportion is higher in some countries and within countries varies significantly.
According to the report, working conditions of men are better than those of women who tend to be employed in low-wage occupations or lower.
As stated by the editor of the report Teddy Raney, the priority is to eliminate discriminatory laws. "In many countries - said Raney - women do not have the same rights men to buy, sell or inherit the earth, to open a savings account or borrow money, to sign a contract or to sell their products. If the legal rights exist on paper, are often not honored in practice. "
Yet gender equality is therefore not just "a noble ideal, but it is also crucial for agricultural development and food security . As explained by the Director General of FAO Jacques Diouf, it is necessary to "promote gender equality and the empowerment of women in agriculture in order to win, so sustainable the fight against extreme poverty and hunger. "


Source: change

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Chicken Pox When Can I Go Back To Work

Lampedusa is collapsing: 1,700 migrants on the island

are 24 boats arrived in the last 2 days. 200,000 people ready for the crossing.

by Julie Nitti BUOY
parades in front of a situation that can not be considered an emergency, the policy should also be prepared for these events.'' E''in the face of upheavals that have affected North Africa - notes - it was conceivable that sooner or later this kind of recovery of the landings took place, not There is therefore surprising. It is a revival of movements of recent years.'' But''what is lacking - he adds - is legislation agreed at European Union level, no country alone can tackle this phenomenon. We therefore hope the EU to take a position on what is happening.''

EU representatives in Tunisia
not alone. From Brussels have also learned that the EU High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, is already in Tunisia, and today will meet with Prime Minister Ghannouchi, to "raise the issue" of migration flows towards Italy. The announcement his spokesman, Maja Kocijancic.
Another meeting is scheduled today at the Interior Ministry to decide how to deal with the emergency. Soon to follow a session of the National Committee for order and public safety''and take appropriate enforcement and monitoring of landing.''
The words of the Minister of Interior
After the exodus of desperate people coming from the North African country, the holder of the Interior has repeatedly pointed the finger at the inaction of Europe "slow and bureaucratic, "and called an emergency meeting of EU Council of Heads of State and Government to "maybe a strategy" in contrast to migration in the Mediterranean. "We are witnessing the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Maghreb, the new '89," Maroni said this morning on the sidelines of a meeting on security pact in Varese, and asked the EU to take charge of the emergency.
The Tunisian government is "ready to cooperate"
Meanwhile Italy is negotiating with the Tunisian government to transition to stem the tide of arrivals. The North African country's authorities said they were "ready to cooperate" to meet the wave of migration that is sweeping the Italian coast. After the 5 thousand desperate landed in recent days on the coast of Lampedusa holder for Foreign Affairs Franco Frattini is set in motion to agree with the government of the North African country a common strategy of containment. Meanwhile, the Arabic website "Attounisia" announces the ramming of Gabes off the coast by a Tunisian patrol boat. The incident would have caused 29 deaths, another 86 people had been rescued instead.
The Tunisia rejects "any interference"
Tonight Frattini will be in Tunisia, to speak directly with the authorities of the country. But the way to go to reach a solution is all uphill. The Tunisia In fact, he rejected "any interference in its internal affairs," after the minister had launched the idea of \u200b\u200bdeploying police forces at sea and on land to contain the flow of illegal immigration to Europe.
The exodus in recent days.
In days gone by the wave of arrivals has been impressive, with an average of 1,000 people every day and landed hundreds of immigrants crammed into makeshift camps. To cope with sudden emergence about 1500 people were crammed into a football field of Lampedusa. From this morning started the extraordinary plan prepared by the prefect of Palermo, Giuseppe Caruso, appointed by Maroni special commissioner for the emergency.
reopened the Cpt
The prefect has also reopened the center for identification and expulsion on the island, closed since last March. Identifications have already started the first, and last night I arrived on the island fifty policemen. Fifty more officers should reach the island, perhaps in the order today.
Maroni worried
Yesterday Interior Minister Maroni, interview with "Che tempo che fa", said he was very worried. "We are trying to get in touch with the Tunisian police to see how to handle this emergency, but we do not succeed, because the system has collapsed. " Even for this Maroni pointed the finger at Europe, demanding that the problem of landings is also shared and discussed by Brussels.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Bilingual Wedding Ceremony Spanish English

food pyramid: healthy for you - for the sustainable planet

To help people choose a ' Power that is not only Balanced from a nutritional point of view but also Sustainable Environment did the double pyramid.

From "Double Pyramid" can be seen that foods for which we suggest a more frequent consumption, are also those that cause minor environmental impacts . Conversely, foods for which is recommended for lower consumption, are also those that have the greatest impact on the environment . In other words, this new development of the Food Guide Pyramid shows the coincidence, in one model, two different but equally important objectives: health and protection 's environment .

Source: Center for Food Nutrition Barilla

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why Do I Get Pimples In Scalp

Joint Declaration against waste

On October 28, 2010 Last Minute Market - part of the "One year against waste" - organized a conference entitled Transforming Food Waste into a Resource at the European Parliament in Brussels. The conference, sponsored and supported by the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Parliament, saw the participation of academics, MEPs, members of civil society and nongovernmental organizations.
Following the conference Prof. Andrea Segrè and Dr. Silvia Gaiani presented the Joint Declaration against food waste, which aims to raise awareness and enable the European institutions so that the fight against food waste becomes a priority agenda Commission and food waste is reduced by 50% by 2025. Download the declaration.

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Venison Smokie Recipe

From April 1 the extra-virgin olive oil deodorized is legal - what does this mean??

oils that need to be deodorized are of low quality. It is unacceptable that so far a chemical banned in extra-virgin oils is essentially permission to allow those who do not produce quality to come to market with an adulterated product that the consumer will not be able to recognize the label, "says Carlo Petrini, president of Slow Food.

fake oil becomes legal

Brussels clears the "deodorized"

The new EU regulation in force since 1 April nell'extravergine oil increases the maximum concentrations of alkyl esters, compounds that form in low-quality products, and indirectly authorizing the marketing of condiments "deodorized" of MONICA RUBY The Republic - February 24, 2011

For years the CIA Puglia complaint adulteration and counterfeiting of extra virgin olive oil. The regional president of the Italian Farmers Confederation (CIA) Puglia, Antonio Barile , recalled in a statement that
already denounced as a beginning of the year in Italy on 9 bottles claiming to contain extra virgin olive oil containing it really only 7 and 2 do not tell the truth, they contain no oil. Of the 7 bottles, then, only four are of Italian extra virgin olive oil and 3 foreign countries. Everything is sold to Italian. The damage to the economy of Puglia is huge.

olive oil, the analysis of Ascoli Piceno dell'Arpam

insecticide banned yet present in 'olive oil. The other alarming aspect of the study dall'Arpam of Ascoli Piceno and published by the buoy (see article) is the presence of pesticides not allowed in the treatment of olives, found in 35% of the samples purchased in supermarkets. Percentage oils taken Marches in mills drops to 15%. Beyond the number of samples involved, these substances more than a shadow cast on the genuineness of virgin for sale. Among the substances detected are not allowed to fenitrothion, endosulfan (alpha, beta and sulfate) and Dicofol. Says Daniela Sciarra, member of the Office of Scientific and curator of the Legambiente annual dossier on pesticides: "We are talking of insecticides belonging to the category of organophosphates. They are persistent and bio-accumulative action with neurotoxic to humans. Dicofol, then, is a derivative of DDT. It is considered moderately toxic, acts on the nervous system, liver and kidneys. Having revealed the presence of Dicofol is still worrying in itself considering the fact that DDT is banned from the seventies. " Insights on: The buoy Insights on oil deodorized visiting site: because food

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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93 packets of sugar per day! Here's the spot of the city of New York to reduce the consumption of beverages

source: Food fact

The city of New York , presented a new communication campaign for the prevention of ' Obesity and Diabetes , with a series of commercials, which have as their subject the excessive use of sugar. The message focuses on soft drinks like Cola . It 's the first time that a city, a municipality decides to intervene with a raw language, what to say? Desperate times call for desperate measures. Compared to the usual educational communications and pleasant these spots are a welcome change.

The spot I like because it shows how easy it is to take in your daily routine calories without noticing, in this case with a pair of big glass of sugary drinks, two glasses of tea and a milk shake is can swallow 93 bags of sugar , that at the end of the day become almost 1400 calories "empty" or nearly 3 / 4 of daily calories an adult.
Al Beyond the choice of foods rich in sugar and fat during meals, intake of soft drinks and meals can become ithout notice an important element of diet.
Another innovative aspect ; commercials is multimedia communication using different media: TV commercials , spot on the subway, print, radio, and a good percentage the web, a page on youtube, facebook To better share content in a network without restriction. In
first spot, a boy opens and consumes 16 packets of sugar and is viewed poorly by two neighbors chair that actually consume the same "dose" of sugar in a drink but, as you can err!. In
second spot instead of how you see during the day can take 93 bags of sugar.
sugars on the label are not always so visible, manufacturers often use similar ingredients with a different name but perform the same function and have the same calories. Here are some ingredients that replace sugar: s ciroppo glucose, dextrose , sorbitol, mannitol, starch , raw sugar, molasses, malt syrup, invert sugar , honey, fructose, liquid sugar particular attention must be paid to fructose glucose syrup and use of sweeteners in particular sweeteners synthetic .

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How To Make A Rotating Carousel

Migrants: Italy is turnabout

anticipate the text of the "Close" to exit with the number 8 of Famiglia Cristiana.

is fair to give credit to the Government and the Minister Maroni that he moved early to tackle the wave of migrants coming from the southern shores of the Mediterranean, upset by political upheavals. There have been smeared, from the welcome center in Lampedusa, having inexplicably closed for three days, the insistent polemic against the European Union (criticizing those who would help us is not a winning strategy!), But can not be said that the humanitarian crisis We have caught unprepared.

What, however, it must be said is that the right response to these days is, in fact, a denial to the policy that the Government has taken, until yesterday, on the topic of illegal immigration, culminating in the so-called " security package "and the strategy of" rejections ". Those who today call with respect "refugees" are the same as yesterday scornfully called "illegal." Equal to the barges. Identical reasons: to find peace, hope and work in Europe. Indeed, strictly speaking, the "refugees" of today would, paradoxically, less reason to be greeted with respect to "illegal immigrants" who, just yesterday, dragged to the prisons of Colonel Gaddafi.

The current wave is formed mainly by Tunisians: Yes, a living being scary, the ending of a regime, the transition to a future still unclear. But the share of GDP (that is, national wealth) per person in Tunisia is $ 9,500 a year, while in Eritrea is 700. And in Somalia even 600, which is living with just over 50 cents a day. In Tunisia, there were a few days of unrest in Somalia's war for twenty years and Eritrea is holding a regime of torture and the gulag. Yet, Eritreans and Somalis have been "rejected". Still pending against Italy at the European Court of Justice, the lawsuit filed by twenty-four Somalis and Eritreans who were, in fact, driven back to Libya.

The "Highlights" of the Christian Family number 8. Politics and the massive influx of foreigners to our shores: there something to remember about illegal immigrants and rejection.

The crisis in North Africa to Italy and Europe poses two problems. The first is political: can the continent, and our country first, check with the southern shore of the Mediterranean with pure fear and closing when no regret for dictators become unbearable to their people? The second, more important, is both civic, cultural and religious. Bishop Luciano Monari, Bishop of Brescia, touched on the issue with great realism in his Letter on the pastoral care for migrants. We can not accept all or reject all, wrote the bishop. That, however, warns: "Who in his heart despises the other, or consider them inferior or exclude them from his friendship, so that it becomes unable to announce the Gospel to them."

In spite of too many unnecessary proclamations on the values \u200b\u200band Christian roots.

Forums Charity Hodges

fall in Crotone 118 Tunisian fled into the night flight from Tunisia Maroni

Crotone, February 14 (TMNews) - risk of collapse the shelter of Crotone Sant'Anna, which records at about 1350 admissions, its maximum capacity, and in which they are to return the 118 Tunisian arrested this morning at 6 am, the station Bologna. The 118 immigrants arrived Crotone had landed on Lampedusa, where in recent days, have turned away from the center presumably during the night and climbed on an inter-party and from Reggio Calabria to Milan. Some thought of reaching Imperia and, hence, France. All were traveling without documents, and had regularly paid the ticket, a fact which has already raised serious questions in many political circles, with the president of IDV in the Regional Council of Emilia Romagna, Liana Barbati, which identified the Italian mafia and foreign organization planning and financing the trafficking of illegal immigrants. "Who paid for these tickets 118 Tunisians arrested at Bologna station, loaded like cattle on a train? - Barbati question - How 'possible that the reception center in Crotone has not informed in advance the absence of more than 100 people? Who is' behind all this? Maroni if \u200b\u200byou ask. "After the complex operations and photo-identification, the 118 men, all adults in the afternoon were on board a charter flight from Bologna Marconi airport and to Calabria will be accommodated in asylum seekers reception center in Crotone , pending the determination of the practice on the recognition of the right of asylum.